Six Quakers for Equality

Quakers have always had a radical commitment to equality, based on the understanding that the same Light, or Spirit, or Divine spark is in everyone. This study pack for meetings presents the story of six Friends who worked to make equality a reality, demanding human rights for slaves and women. The 18th, 19th and 20th century Friends whose lives and work are outlined in these leaflets each worked in their own individual way. Their stories and their writings can help us to think about equality today and about our own ways of trying to make a difference.

This resource pack may be used in a number of ways. Each of the leaflets you can download below is complete as it is, and could work for a single session. Alternatively, the leaflets could be used for a series of six meetings for learning or for a study group, and there are links between the various people. If you want to work through them chronologically, the order would be Anthony Benezet, John Woolman, Sarah and Angelina Grimke, Lucretia Mott, Susan B. Anthony and Alice Paul.

Anthony Benezet

John Woolman

Grimke Sisters

Lucretia Mott

Susan B. Anthony

Alice Paul

Official Website of The Religious Society of Friends in Ireland