DAQC participation in Dublin Pride (June 29)

Friends will be participating in Dublin Pride on Saturday 29th June, carrying the DAQC banner with the words ‘Dublin Area Quaker Community – Peace, Equality, Simplicity, Integrity’. 

Taking part will be a practical and visible way to demonstrate our testimony to equality, letting people know that Quaker Meetings offer a safe, welcoming and supportive space to all. 

It is not necessary to identify as LGBTQIA+ to take part (many Pride participants are allies – supporters, friends or family members).

If  you’d  like to  be  part  of  the  Quaker  contingent,  please get  in  touch  with  Fiona  Murdoch  via  the office. You can let other Friends know about the event using this DAQC Dublin Pride flyer.
Email – office@quakers.ie   Phone: 014998003