Updated IYM 2024 Draft Programme with Special Interest Groups Now Available

You can now download an updated (June 7) draft programme for IYM 2024, including four Special Interest Groups to be held on July 7-10 (for descriptions of the SIGs, see the IYM 2024 programme):

Toward Understanding George Fox formation and early message, 1624- 1654

Facilitator or Speaker: Charles B Lamb, Roscrea Date: Sunday 7th of July, 19:30

Eyewitness Account from the Occupied West Bank

Facilitator or Speaker: Máire Ní Mheibhric Date: Monday 8th of July, 19:30

The International crime of Ecocide. What is Ecocide, and what are the promptings of our Quaker Faith and Testimonies when considering this urgent issue?

Facilitator or Speaker: Kate Fletcher (EcoQuakers and South Belfast) Date: Tuesday 9th July, 19:30

4. Fifth Day Worship . How Eustace St Thursday Meeting for Worship went Global

Facilitator or Speaker: Thomas Quearney, Eustace Street (Dublin) Date: Wednesday 10th July, 19:00 (please note earlier start time for this SIG)